There has been a lot of activity around here lately. Great smelling things in the food room(kitchen) of which I am keeping a close eye on and jumping in whenever needed to clean the floor. There has been more coming and going and bringing in large bags. My human barely sits down for a minute except at night when I can pin her to the couch for some much needed snuggling, she forgets about it so I need to remind her that downtime is my job and one I take very seriously.

I will follow her from room to room in order to make sure that she is careful, I mean she forgets things and is constantly retracing her steps, also there has been quite a bit of work with sharp objects although she seems to have a good handle on this it is always best to be cautious. Boxes have been opened and odd things have come out and placed in what I can only describe as random places throughout the house. Also there are lights involved, I thought we could see fine and would not need more lights, but not only are they additional the humans turn down the others in some places. I do not get it at all.

Yesterday they brought a TREE into the house, I mean who does that? I think I remember this last year also, so it might be some sort of tradition? They lit that up with a lot of little lights and hung objects on the branches. This must be some sort of ritual and they seem very aware whenever I am near it. It smells great so maybe they are trying to connect with me and work on their sense of smell, I don’t want to tell them that you really can’t improve your sense of smell, you are just born with a good one or not. Maybe they are trying to make me more comfortable bringing the outside in? Lets face it, the tree is dead and isn’t going to last forever, but I do appreciate their concern.


I am pretty sure we will have other humans come to visit for awhile as we do when they bring the dead tree inside, so I am figuring this is their yearly present to me. Visitors that like to snuggle and a dead tree. Odd presents but I can go along with it as it appears to make them happy, they really ask for little and I am willing to go along with the ritual.

2 thoughts on “I am Confused

  1. I bet it is confusing to have a dead tree suddenly in the house. I had not thought of that before. Thanks Park! Enjoy the tree, the presents and the extra company. Make sure the humans enjoy some downtime, too.


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